Blockchain Explorer: Visualisation Concepts

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🔼 +SVC Cosmos VR: Project Overview 


This document is a conceptual design exploration of how best to create a graphical representation of the Cosmos network that allows a modal change from abstract to concrete representation.

To allow users to access “the bigger picture” as well as being able to make concrete, everyday decisions, we need to;

  • Represent all data concurrently (abstract)
  • Allow users to zoom into points of interest without getting lost (abstract to concrete and back)
  • Evoke a feeling of immersion and insight (abstract)
  • Make data representations clear and understandable (concrete)
  • Allow for actionable decisions to be made (concrete)

We also need to take into account basic tenets of user-centered design;

  • Follow data visualization best practices
  • User friendly VR design

Finally, there are special requirements stipulated by the client;

  • Design should feel “new” and not replicate existing 2D patterns
  • Design needs to reflect stakeholder brand: pioneering, technological, ideas-driven, libertarian

Inspiration - The Cosmos:

The idea of the cosmos resonates with the Blockchain explorer beyond the name of the network currently of interest (although this is also fortunate) - the “cosmic web” structures above could be an appropriate metaphor for a complex infrastructure structure, with filaments - which might be blockchains - and nodes, representing interoperability. 

From a brand perspective, the visuals also evoke a pioneering spirit of discovery and science. If pushed a little further, the web’s similarities to neurons and mycelium could also refer to intelligence, interconnectivity and social connections.

Inspiration - Sacred Geometry

Much of the ideas behind sacred geometric patterns have a basis in quantum mathematics, and as a building block of the universe, coincide with the larger Cosmos. I’ve done a lot of research on this area since December and while I won’t post everything I’ve gone through here, I’ll attempt to put down some basics. These concepts, designs, and patterns are visually appealing and are also at the forefront of the stakeholder’s mind (their logo is based on sacred geometry).