USPTO Claims Data

USPTO Claims Data
This page includes claims data from the USPTO ( These data come from the ‘claim’ tab. 

Below is a link to a folder that includes claims variables for patents granted from January 1976 through December 2023. If you use a variable with author information next to it, please cite the appropriate work. This folder includes nine different zip files. For ease of download and ease of importing, files are divided by patent number. File “” includes all non-utility patents. File “” includes all patents issued beginning January 1976 through patent number 5,000,000. File “” includes all patents between patent number 5,000,001 and patent number 6,000,000. Etc, etc.

Each file contains the following columns:
Patent number
Number of words in shortest independent claim (Marco et al., 2019*)
Number of words in first independent claim (Kuhn and Thompson, 2019**)
Average number of words in all independent claims
Number of dependent claims
Number of independent claims (Marco et al., 2019*)
*Marco, A. C., Sarnoff, J. D., and deGrazia, C. A.W. 2019. Patent claims and patent scope. Research Policy, 48 (9), pp. 1-17.
**Kuhn, J. M. and Thompson, N.C. 2019. How to Measure and Draw Causal Inferences with Patent Scope. International Journal of Economics and Business, 26 (1), pp. 5-38.

If you have any issues downloading the data, find any problems with the data, or have suggestions for how to make the data better/more user friendly, please let me know: 

Additional USPTO patent data
Abstract, title data can be found here.
Assignee data can be found here.
Citations data can be found here.
Claims data can be found here.
Classifications data can be found here.
Examiner data can be found here.
General info data can be found here.
Inventor data can be found here.
Maintenance fee data can be found here.

Addition citations data 
US citations data from Google Patents (1926-1975) can be found here.

Patent-CRSP permco match data
Patent numbers matched to permco numbers data can be found here.