Partnership patterns

+NHS LA Design Patterns - (Return to list of patterns)

Partnership patterns


  • A partnership ribbon is a module complied of elements that can either sit at the top of a site or page or both.

When to use this pattern

  • Partnership ribbons can be used in a variety of scenarios:
  • Ribbon top of website - This is appropriate when the whole site and encompassing pages are in partnership/s. The ribbon should sit directly above the site header.
  • Ribbon top of specific page - This is appropriate when a specific page content is affiliated to partnership/s. The ribbon should sit directly below the site header and breadcrumb ribbon.
  • Ribbon top of site and page - This is appropriate when a site has an affiliation to partnership/s and a pages content within the site has a separate or extra partnership/s.

When NOT to use this pattern

  • No ribbon needed - this is appropriate when neither the site or page has any affiliation to any partnership.

How it works

  • The partnership ribbon will default to one line and partners will trail off. If there are more partners than the one line accompanies for then the user can expand the list by clicking or tapping on the ribbon.

  • Explain how the pattern works (if the pattern is too complex to have been fully described in the overview please elaborate here).
  • How to implement the pattern.
  • Steps to follow.

You can also include:
  • Snippets of code
  • things to avoid
  • variartions of the pattern (for example, department variations)
  • why it works

Research on this pattern

Use this section to:
  • summarise and link to research relating to this pattern (ideally a blot post) and describe any gaps or questions that still need answering.

Related patterns