i don’t have too many things to comment on as far as databases go. they’re probably my weakest area.(i’m open to suggestions!)
PostgreSQL: Recommendation used to be MySQL but PostgreSQL has definitely taken off community-wise.
a great service that provides Postgres as a service is Supabase.
Postico: you might have grown up on phpMyAdmin 🤮. this is better.
prismais a simple layer to have your code interface with your db.
on the other hand, there are arguments against using ORM’s since they can add cruft to your queries. as mentioned in the JS section about using frameworks, in general, using a higher-level wrapper doesn’t excuse you from learning how the underlying technologies works!
in your source code, a folder containing the scripts for updating schema from version 1 to your current version is recommended.(a tool for this would be great here!)
quick note on NoSQL
useful commands