1/25 OS Call: A Supersaturated Theory of Change — Ben Roberts — Room #15
for "DandDTrans," a "community of inquiry and action" regarding the role that Dialogue & Deiberation can play in addressing the mega-crises of our time
Image courtesy of www.NewStories.org
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  •  Heinz
  •  Anita
  • Shams
  • David
  • Mark Dubois
  • Bruce Schuman
  • Tom Atlee
  • Jock McClellan
  • Others?

Context: Supersaturated Solutions as a Metaphor for Systemic Transformation

What is a super-saturated solution? 
  • Supersaturation is a state of a solution that contains more of the dissolved material than could be dissolved by the solvent under normal circumstances... Very small particles (seeds) can trigger the separation of the dissolved material from the solvent... Supersaturated solutions are prepared or result when some condition of a saturated solution is changed, for example decreasing (or, rarely, increasing) temperature, decreasing volume of the saturated solvent (as by liquid evaporation), or increasing pressure [from wikipedia].
What if we think of this as a metaphor for systemic transformation through "conversations that matter?"
The containers we create hold a "solution" of participants, and the conversations that happen within them "dissolve the solids" of their ideas, relationships, intentions, and energy. If we do our job well as designers, conveners, and hosts, the conversation causes the space to become "supersaturated" as more of those solids are added to the solution. Note that heat, pressure, and/or evaporation are also required to move beyond "normal" saturation levels (now there's a rich field for making some metaphoric meaning!). Once supersaturation is achieved, seed crystals (ideas, small groups with a shared intention, commitments, exchanges of requests and offers, etc.) can quickly lead to a phase shift and the emergence of a "transformational" outcome for group itself, as well as one that serves transformation in the wider world.
Also, there are already containers "out there" that offer prime opportunities for convening supersaturating conversations. + So many initiatives, groups, networks, alliances, etc. exist that are in powerful motion right now. Within those "containers," the right conversation can create supersaturation, produce seed crystals, and lead to a phase shift. This is juicy work that is available all around us as D&D practitioners. 
What does NOT appear to be the case right now is that there is global supersaturation such that the macro-scale changes we desire can be brought about. The current system works to prevent such supersaturation from occurring through a wide variety of negative feedback loops that support what appears to be homeostasis. That said, I do believe those feedback loops are losing their efficacy, and the global solution is becoming more and more saturated by the day. Thus the appearance of homeostasis is a fallacy, even thought the global solution is not yet ready for a complete phase shift. The metaphor suggests this would be tru, since a highly saturated solution does not look any different that an unsaturated one, even though it may be very close to a state that will support a phase shift. 
I get frustrated with conversations that seem like complaints about this "fact" of homeostasis, as well as conversations that involve highly detailed visioning and planning for actions that would require a globally "supersaturated" state to exist when it apparently does not. Both these conversations, I believe, draw our energy down, and keep us from focusing on the "+good, true, and beautiful" work that is available to us right here and now.
Also also, as conditions in the larger system shift, moments of supersaturation will emerge suddenly, as a large group of people sees something urgent and begins discussing it. Sometimes, these moments are local, and sometimes they are global. Think of the Occupy movement, for example. Or the 2008 financial collapse. Or global moments of near-universal grieving when something shocking and tragic occurs. At these "supersaturated" times, there is a window of opportunity for playing at a higher level if the right conversations can be convened. This may indeed require some advance planning and capacity building. However, I doubt that planning will involve the actual content of the conversations that will be effective. Rather, I am drawn to the work that will build our capacity for such convenings. And the best way I can see to do that work is to prototype it at the smaller scales that are currently possible. Indeed, one can think about the purpose of these smaller scale conversations as being the creation of "seed crystals" that can be dropped into larger scale supersaturated solutions if and when they emerge. In that fractal way, our "local" action has the potential for global impact.