🖼️ the website
or, the "putting it all together" part.


  • error pages and fallbacks: <noscript>, 404, 401, 500
  • experiments framework
  • admin mode
  • data liberation


you’d think a guide on building a web app would have this way in the front, eh? it’s funny because HTML forms the core of what enables the web but it’s become secondary as a technology these days when compared to JS. i won’t spend too much time on explaining the ins and outs of HTMLin this guide but here’s a couple of things to keep in mind.

general guidelines:

  • the absolute basics: if you’re absolutely new, check out the link for MDN’s guide.
  • Keep it semantic: learn the tags that are available to you as you code. not everything should be wrapped in <div>/<span>! this is especially important for robots crawling your site (i.e. SEO) to extract meaning from your document. it’s also especially important for accessibility so that users that have visual handicaps are able to still use your website through a screen reader.
  • HTML5: the current version of HTML has more semantic tags than its previous iteration. (the link is a bit outdated but still a great primer.)
  • no need to validate these days: i know, this sounds like heresy. but things like React will give you built-in validation, so-to-speak, for your HTML. i can’t remember the last time i tried to validate my HTML — it’s just not necessary anymore. the much larger problem here is validating HTML for accessibility (a11y) purposes which i mention in the UI section of this guide. it is a woefully overlooked area in many an app and you’re much better off focusing your efforts in that area.


there’s a lot that goes into the <head> tag these days. some of it’s standardized and some of it’s not. you should definitely look into all of these though since they increase the shareability of your app and its virality.

a list of technologies to look into adding to your <head>  section:
  • icons: it’s frustrating because there are several icons to provide depending on the device.
  • favicon: gives the browser an image to use as the tab’s image (doesn’t have to be an .ico file btw.)
  • surprisingly, the rabbit hole on favicons goes even deeper if you wanna do it right: read more here on fully supporting favicon-ography.
  • JSON-LD: provides structured metadata around your site so that various nicities can appear within search results. this has a long history of predecessors and competitors including Microdata, RDFa, Microformats. Google recommends JSON-LD though so just go with that. a playground is available here.
  • rich previews: this is metadata that other sites use when user’s paste links to your app and you want to provide a rich preview showing the content (e.g. a thumbnail, video, etc.). the fragmentation here is so frustrating, ugh:
  • Open Graph: from Facebook, allows you to give title, description, thumbnails, etc.
  • Twitter Cards: from Twitter, allows you to give title, description, thumbnails, etc.
  • oEmbed: an open standard to provide an endpoint giving title, description, thumbnails, etc. (not widely used, sadly.)
  • mobile behavior: informs mobile browsers of how you would want your app to behave on mobile. for web apps you probably want to something like:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
  • OpenSearch: allows you to define your search engine for your site. this lets your users hit <tab> when typing in the URL to be able to search from their browser’s address field. historically developed by Amazon. (author’s note: for such a common tool on the web, this has a such a crappy website?)

error pages and fallbacks


not everyone likes running JS on their websites. this is probably for good reason! it can be such a weight when navigating to random websites. don’t forget to include this tag somewhere on your page to inform your users in case JS is needed for things to function.

error pages

as much as you try, things will go wrong. it’s best to go easy on your users when these frustrating experiences happen. those of you around for when Twitter first came out will be familiar with the infamous Fail Whale. Twitter probably bought itself a lot of social credit by being cute about how it went down all the time back in the day. you can at least take the time to create a single error page that at least conveys something for the following errors:
  • 404: when a page isn’t found.