A-H Intros for the DandDTrans Inquiry
A "community of inquiry and action" regarding the role that dialogue and deliberation can play in addressing the mega-crises of our time.
Image courtesy of www.NewStories.org
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@John Abbe
Contact info:
617-678-3155 (voice), 541-708-2300 (texts)
What would you like to share about your work?
I am a long-time process artist, interested in all scales from personal to interpersonal to groups to communities & networks to local-to-global society, including both explicit communication and the implicit communication in our legal, political, and economic structures, our cultures, and our arguably impossible but always crucially important attempts to transcend our stories and live in the experience of our interconnectedness.
I was one of the developers of the Group Works Deck (favorite cards: Guerilla Facilitation and Go Meta), serve on the board of the Co-Intelligence Institute, have been a software designer of Wagn, lived for almost a decade in intentional community, and this year walked across the United States with dozens of other people to inspire action on the climate crisis. I grew up around Boston and have lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, Sri Lanka, and Eugene, Oregon. My favorite processes include Nonviolent Communication, Citizen Delberative Councils, Open Space, World Cafe, meditation, and ludicrously long and wide-ranging conversations with long-time and new-found soulmates. As I get older I find myself more and more interested to actually Get Things Done. My biggest struggle is with my Self. It keeps insisting that it exists!
  • Some touchstone articles for me
Systems thinking:
Basic Trust: Chapter 6 of Facets of Unity, by A. H. Almaas
Listening: Tell Me More, by Brenda Ueland
(looking for a similarly excellent article on speaking up)
What motivates you to be a part of this inquiry?
The combination of the assumed immense power of conversation with the clear articulation of the scale and urgency of the crises we face. It's like peanut butter and chocolate, but to the Nth degree.
That, and the hope of meeting passionate yet equanimous people with whom to work, play and perhaps even live as we stumble forward healing the world.


Linda Ellinor