Museum of the Streets maps
See Museum of the Streets for overview on how we will use maps around Smithfield. +Explainer locations lists locations that relate to the Look and Feel documents


Three levels of locations around Smithfield:

In addition
  • Develop treasure hunts
  • Offer additional routes into Barbican and N-S
  • Provide addition info sheets

Where possible use DIY systems that can be replicated. Do howto guides.
Seer also +Explainer locations 

Google Earth web

Each location would have text about that place, but then instructions on moving to the next with options for streetview. Also links to information sheets

Farringdon East - visible
Additional text would say cross over Long lane and go into Cloth Fair
  • Long Lane - hidden
  • Cloth Fair - hidden

Great St Bartholomew's - visible
Additional text would say the church developed the hospital, now celebrating 900th. Also take a look at the new Barts Square
  • Barts Hospital - plans for Barts 900 - hidden*
  • Barts Square - hidden*

West Smithfield - visible
Additional text would say see
  • Martyr memorials - hidden*
  • Barts hospital museums - hidden*
  • Smithfield Rotunda gardens and public realm plans - hidden*
  • Bartholomew Fair - link to history

New Museum of London site - visible
Additional text would say see 
  • Current museum site - hidden

Smithfield Market - visible
Additional text would say see
  • fly to new Market site in Dagenham? - hidden

and walk through the market buildings to …