The Intertribal Metahighway
NOTES / A character sheet for our real-world character 

What is this?

It’s an attempt to merge the memetic tribes spreadsheet that Peter Lindberg and Conor Barnes posted a while back with the work Deepa Iyer has been doing with mapping roles within the social change ecosystem, and then turning it into a real-world character sheet (madlib-format inspired by Quest) that represents our unique identity / contribution to the current problems of the world. 

What is the meaning of the intertribal metahighway?

I was thinking about how the interstate highways were one of the first innovations that connected people from disparate geographies, giving open access to cultures that they may never have run into before. With them, a “rules of the road” emerged that governed behavior and relations in this new liminal space. Much later, the “information superhighway” did the same thing in the world of information, but with fewer norms regarding helpful rules of the road. We haven’t built much infrastructure around actually traveling between tribes in a safe way, but if we did it would probably require a new metaphor for the kind of world we live in. If we more proactively and consciously developed “norms for traveling the intertribe metahighway” it might open up new ways to relate to people in different tribes, and new ways for groups to related to each other. 

Character Madlib

This madlib may be different for different tribes, but this one assumes you’re at least friendly with the social justice tribe. Feel free to modify if it doesn’t feel right to you.

Hello, my given name is _____ (pronouns: _____).
I’m _____ years old and stand _____ tall. 
When people meet me, the first things they notice are _____, _____, and _____.
I’m often wearing _____ and _____, and I always carry _____.
My demeanor can be generally described as _____.
I’m from the _____, _____, and _____ tribes, and also lend my support to most people in the _____, _____, and _____ tribes. 
Within these tribes I act as a _____, _____, and _____.
I often disagree with people of the _____, _____, and _____ tribes.
And am particularly good at _____ and _____.
I’m not very good at _____. 
I want to believe _____, but fear _____.
On the intertribal metahighway, I go by _____.

When people meet me, they first notice my _____, _____, _____.

Borrowed from Quest’s character-building sheet…

  • Body
  • towering physique
  • barrel-sized belly
  • generous curves
  • sculpted hair
  • stout stature
  • freckled skin
  • lanky limbs
  • other: _____
  • Face 
  • gaunt face
  • fulsome cheeks
  • knee-length beard
  • devastating smile
  • windswept face
  • manicured fuzz
  • ridged forehead
  • timeworn face
  • romantic eyes
  • severe jawline
  • skeptical eyes
  • radiant smile
  • burning eyes
  • heavy brows
  • blunt bangs
  • other: _____
  • Vibe 
  • long shadow
  • sleepy mood
  • sparkling gaze
  • eternal grimace
  • bursting energy
  • air of mystery
  • gentle disposition
  • androgynous vibes
  • thousand-yard stare
  • tightly wound energy
  • brooding presence
  • friendly demeanor
  • meandering gaze
  • graceful posture
  • captivating grin
  • raucous laugh
  • flawless poise
  • fiery temper
  • other: _____

I wear _____, _____, always carry _____, and move with _____.

  • Clothing and accessories
  • jumpsuits
  • weirdly-patterned buttoned up shirts
  • war-torn jeans
  • sweat pants
  • Carried items
  • tarot deck
  • internet computing device
  • a towel
  • a ukulele
  • snacks
  • Demeanor (borrowed from Quest’s character-building sheet)
  • no sense of urgency
  • an effortless glide
  • frenzied footword
  • a confident step
  • great difficulty
  • the help of crutches/a chair
  • a reliable pace
  • wide-sweeping arc
  • a spring in my step
  • a singular purpose
  • an uneven gait
  • music in my feet
  • no sense of space
  • a joyful whistle
  • relentless focus
  • casual swagger
  • apprehension
  • a heavy step
  • fearlessness
  • hunched shoulders
  • clumsy mindlessness
  • quiet stealth
  • other: _____

I’m from the _____, _____, and _____ tribes, and lend my support to anyone in the _____, _____, and _____ tribes. I tend to disagree with people from the _____, _____, and _____ tribes.

On the intertribal metahighway, we’re all a mixed bag. 

  • Social Justice
  • End social oppression
  • Black Lives Matter
  • Justice for racialized people
  • MeToo
  • End sexual harassment and gender inequality
  • Gender-Critical Feminism
  • End patriarchy
  • Modern Neo-Marxism
  • Destruction of false consciousness
  • Antifa
  • End fascism
  • Occupy
  • Remove the 1% from power
  • Dirtbag Left
  • Overtake and revitalize the left
  • DSA (Democratic Socialists of America)
  • A democratically elected socialist state
  • Establishment Left
  • Use government to ensure everyone has access to a high quality of living
  • Optimistic
  • "Enlightenment Now" (e.g. continual progress through reason and science)
  • New Atheist
  • Objective truth in a post-religious world
  • Street Epistemology
  • Spread the correct epistemic method amongst the populace
  • Rationalist
  • Overcoming bias
  • Post-Rationalist
  • Refactoring perception
  • Integral
  • "Waking Up, Growing Up, Cleaning Up"
  • Sorter
  • Change the world by sorting yourself out
  • Intellectual Dark Web
  • Considered free speech
  • Benedictine
  • Strategic segregation from mainstream culture to rebuild Christendom
  • Christian Right
  • A Christian nation
  • Establishment Right
  • Uphold traditional values in a free market society
  • Tea Party
  • Reduce national debt and government spending.
  • Trumpist
  • "Make America Great Again"
  • InfoWarrior
  • Exposing and overthrowing the globalist world order
  • QAnoner
  • "The Great Awakening"
  • Alt-Lite
  • Unapologetic free speech
  • Alt-Right
  • White Ethno-State
  • Modern Neo-Nazi
  • 14/88
  • Neoreactionary
  • Restoration
  • MRA (Mens Right Advocate)
  • Social and legal equality for men
  • Manosphere
  • A "Return of Kings" (e.g. a return of patriarchy and traditional sex roles)
  • MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way)
  • Societal and relational disengagement
  • Incel
  • Enforced monogamy through a "Beta Uprising"
  • Memetic Mediator
  • Assists people along the Metahighway
  • Game B
  • What comes after Game A?
  • Burning Man
  • Solarpunk
  • Witches
  • Boomer
  • Gen-X
  • Millennial
  • Gen-Z
  • Billionaires
  • Other (suggest an addition if none of these quite fit)

I contribute to my tribes as a _____, _____, and _____.

Pick one, two, or three roles that you typically play, and specify if you are a level 1, 2, 3 in each role. A level 1 role is one where you’re developing the role in the context of a specific tribe. A level 2 role is one where the role is being played across multiple tribes. And a level 3 role is one where you are developing it as a inter-tribe mediator. (Needs more clarity here.)

  • Weaver / Poet / Artist
  • I see the through-lines of connectivity between people, places, organizations, ideas, and movements. 
  • Skills: 
  • Weaves connections between tribes in subtle ways when they share a common cause
  • Supplements the grand narrative that exists throughout the intertribe-highway
  • Mediates dialogues with parties that disagree
  • Experimenter / Rebel / Spy
  • I innovate, pioneer, and invent. I take risks and course-correct as needed. 
  • Skills: 
  • Travels (sometimes under the radar) through tribes in search of new insight 
  • Tests new tools and methods that have a good chance of backfiring
  • Blends into crowds until needed
  • Frontline Responder / Fighter
  • I address community crises by marshaling and organizing resources, networks, and messages. 
  • Skills: 
  • Shows up during a crisis, raising money, making calls, attending protests, whatever it takes
  • Amplifies the right voices on social media
  • Visionary / Invoker
  • I imagine and generate our boldest possibilities, hopes and dreams, and remind us of our direction. 
  • Skills: 
  • Crafts a compelling grand narrative that unites one or more tribes to a bigger purpose
  • Helps groups of people direct their attention to the most urgent needs of the moment
  • Builder / Worker
  • I develop, organize, and implement ideas, practices, people, and resources in service of a collective vision. 
  • Skills: 
  • Attends to the care of 10,000 things that don’t get the same level of attention that frontline responders and visionaries receive, but is just as important to keep everything moving
  • Puts together posters, presentations, lists of demands to distribute key information
  • Caregiver / Healer
  • I nurture and nourish the people around me by creating and sustaining a community of care, joy, and connection. 
  • Skills: 
  • Provides food, drink, and shelter to those in need
  • Provides physical care to the young, old, and ill
  • Takes work off the plate of those who need a break
  • Provide guidance and training for a healthy diet and self-care
  • Disruptor / Hacker
  • I take uncomfortable and risky actions to shake up the status quo, to raise awareness, and to build power. 
  • Skills: 
  • Deploys provocations, taunts, and zingers aimed at the other side’s weak spots on behalf of the tribe’s members
  • Is willing to break the law and cultural norms for the right reasons
  • Healer / Shaman / Therapist
  • I recognize and tend to the generational and current traumas caused by oppressive agents, systems, institutions, policies, and practices. 
  • Skills: 
  • Provides emotional support and therapy to those in need
  • Guides groups in meditation and other techniques to handle stress
  • Can teach others techniques of maintaining physical and mental fitness
  • Storyteller / Bard
  • I craft and share our community stories, cultures, experiences, histories, and possibilities through art, music, media, and movement. 
  • Skills: 
  • Plays music, sings songs, tells jokes when the time is right
  • Publishes articles, books, etc related to events
  • Actively interprets and integrates events into the grand narrative
  • Guide / Leader / Philosopher
  • I teach, counsel, and advise, using my gifts of well-earned discernment and wisdom.
  • Skills: 
  • Interprets the visionary’s narrative into practical, on-the-ground actions
  • Gives credit to exceptional work within the group, takes responsibility for errors
  • Answers deep philosophical questions and doubts that arise
  • Facilitates weddings, funerals, and other rituals and ceremonies
  • Other (suggest another role if none of these quite fit)

And am particularly good at _____ and _____, and not very good at _____. 

  • Trained skills (via roles)
  • Missing skills

I want to believe _____, but secretly fear _____.

A personalized interpretation of the inter-tribe vision and mission that calls to you. 
  • Aspirational belief
  • Secret fear

These days, I’d be happy if I could help _____ happen and prevent _____ from happening. 

A personalized interpretation of your roles, skills, and immediate needs of the groups you participate in.
  • Realistic/near-term outcomes
  • Unwelcome outcomes


Hello, my given name is Buster Benson (pronouns: he/him). I’m 44 years old and stand 6’0” tall. When people see me, they first notice my lanky limbs, mixed race facial features, and gentle disposition. I wear weirdly-patterned buttoned up shirts, war-torn jeans, and move with quiet stealth. I’m from the Post-Rational, Social Justice, and Integral tribes where I act as a Weaver, Experimenter, and Caregiver to various extents. I lend my support to most people in the BlackLivesMatter, MeToo, and DSA tribes. I tend to disagree with people in the Alt-right, Trumpist, and Modern Neo-Nazi tribes. I want to believe that we can come out of this era of the meta-crisis stronger than we entered it, but fear that there is also a small chance that one of many existential threats, or a compounded set of them, will create unrecoverable damage before we figure it out. These days, I’d be happy if I could help a small inter-tribe community spark and sustain itself on the metahighway and prevent civil war 2, electric boogaloo from happening. On the intertribe metahighway, I go by Ooda.

Hello, my name is Vicki (she/her). I’m 36 years old and stand 5’2” tall.  When people see me, they first notice my blunt bangs, radiant smile, and friendly demeanor. I wear jumpsuits and move with clumsy but confident steps. I’m from the Optimistic and Rationalist tribes, and lend my support to most people in the Black Lives Matter, Social Justice, and MeToo tribes. Within these tribes I act as a Fighter, Experimenter, and Visionary-in-training. I am particularly good at taking risks and course-correcting as needed. I want to believe that there is a coherent future for all of us together, but fear we will become increasingly more fragmented, polarized, and isolated. These days, I’d be happy if I could help nurture and nourish the people around me, and help minimize the chaos and unease in my small, inner circle.