️eSaude App  Manual Install Guide


These install instruction explain how to install the eSaude ecosystem applications. eSaude apps run as Docker containers and are configured and executed using Docker Compose. Please familiarize yourself with Docker by working through the +eSaude Docker Primer.


  • 💡 You must be running a 64bit operating system to use Docker

First make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed. The Docker install should be as simple as:

If you don’t want to keep running Docker with sudo, make sure to add your user to the docker group. If your username is esaude, then the command for this is sudo usermod -aG docker esaude. To reload the groups for your user, run su - $USER.

You may need to install Compose as root by first running sudo su . The install should just be:

curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.12.0/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

and then:

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

If these simple install instructions don’t work for you, you will have to follow the Docker and Docker Compose install guides.

Docker Install Validation 

To check your Docker install, run:

docker --version

You should see something like:

Docker version 1.12.1, build 23cf638 
Docker version 18.05.0-ce, build f150324

You must have at least Docker v1.12.x installed.

To check Compose, run:

docker-compose --version

You need as least Docker Compose v1.12.x.

Docker Install Troubleshooting

Install Instructions

eSaude apps are distributed as a set of Docker images (read the +eSaude Docker Primer if necessary). Installing an app consists of downloading the app config file, and then running the config with Docker Compose. 

If you already have containers or other apps running that use ports required by eSaude apps ( at the moment they are ports 80 and 8080), then you may run into problems (see troubleshooting section). We recommend you stop those other services before installing the eSaude apps.

See the instructions below for how to install specific apps.

eSaude EMR Platform