Psychology Program Graduate Student Handbook (Wiki)
Wilfrid Laurier University


This document represents the collaborative work of a number of people in the Psychology Department. And it is a work in progress, and will always be. In fact we are using Hackpad so that any graduate student, faculty or staff member can easily update or add to this document at any time. Just sign in to Hackpad and edit. It only takes seconds to sign up, and editing requires no learning curve. It's like editing any text document.
 +A log of changes to the Handbook can be found at the end of the document. A "to do" list of edits can also be found at the end of this document. This wiki-like document is currently moderated by Christian Jordan, the Graduate Officer for the Psychology graduate program.
Because of the 'live and dynamic' nature of the document, the information in the Handbook is subject to change. The documents, forms, and academic calendar on the Graduate Studies website are the most up-to-date information available. Always check there to confirm information. As well, familiarize yourself with the general Graduate Studies Handbook for all graduate students at Laurier in all departments


This Handbook describes the Graduate Program in Psychology at Wilfrid Laurier University (WLU). It is written for graduate students, faculty, and anyone else interested in our graduate program. Here you will find guidelines, requirements, expectations, and tips for thriving in the program. We tried to provide useful information for those new to WLU, graduate school and new to the Kitchener-Waterloo area.
The current handbook is a compilation of information from several valuable sources including WLU graduate studies and the Psychology Department. The document began as a handbook for students in the Community area, but has grown to include all of Psychology. We are grateful for the past (and future) contributions of fellow students, colleagues and faculty. We hope you find the handbook beneficial, and a reliable resource. Please help us keep this document up to date by making edits to the document yourself (just sign up for a Hackpad account) or sending your questions for clarification to your Graduate Area Coordinator. Of course, do not hesitate to speak with any faculty or senior graduate students about any questions that arise. 
Welcome. We hope you enjoy your learning experience!
The Faculty, Staff and Students of the Psychology Program

Information for all Students

Getting Started: Introduction
Welcome to Wilfrid Laurier’s Psychology program! The Psychology Department is pleased to welcome each year a small, highly select group of outstanding students. Our hope is that in fulfilling the requirements to which we now introduce you, you will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue your intellectual interests while making your contributions to psychology.
Getting Organized: Calendars
Note that lectures for undergraduate and graduate course start the same date but end on different dates. The Graduate Academic Calendar of Dates is different from the undergraduate calendar. Check your area for additional calendars, some have electronic ones for your convenience.
Getting Organized: Calendars
Note that lectures for undergraduate and graduate course start the same date but end on different dates. The Graduate Academic Calendar of Dates is different from the undergraduate calendar. Check your area for additional calendars, some have electronic ones for your convenience.
A Short Tour of the Psychology Department
Purpose of the Handbook
This Handbook is designed to introduce you to Wilfrid Laurier, the Psychology department and your specific program. We provide current information about the steps you need to take to fulfill the requirements of our program as well as tools and resources that we hope will help you gain the most out of your experience as a graduate student here at WLU.
Things to Think About Following Acceptance
Congratulations! After weeks of eagerly rushing to get the mail, you finally have the fat envelope you’ve been hoping for – you are officially accepted to Laurier’s Graduate program! Once you’ve taken a moment to bask in the glory of it all, the next steps begin to flood your mind…
  • Have I met all the conditions in my offer for admission and have I provided the university with the necessary documents?
  • How am I going to pay for graduate studies?
  • Where am I going to live?
  • What will this new university be like?
  • How will the university I knew as an undergrad (whether this one or a new one) be different as a grad student? 
  • How can I prepare myself for the normal start-of-term excitement, eagerness, and a little bit of anxiety?
  • How can I decrease any potential start-of-term anxiety?