Withfriends: Smart alerts, 2019

Even after an account has successfully onboarded, it’s critical for them to stay active on the platform to be successful. Successful accounts on Withfriends regularly list events and customize as much of their profile as possible. Previously, this was a burden on the sales team. Sales managers would personally contact account holders to remind them to add new events, to take advantage of unused features, to promote their membership program and events, and to update account information. 

With the new onboarding flow, we now had better segmentation of accounts that allowed me to design a system of smart alerts that could handle this burden automatically.

For example, if a user selected, “Facebook Events,” under “How do you promote your events?” the system could send an automated alert reminding them to link their Facebook Events to the platform so that they sync automatically.

Based on extensive conversations with the sales team, I also determined a hierarchy of priorities for these alerts as well as timing, so that users would receive them in the most effective sequence. Documentation of this hierarchy as presented to the engineering team is available here.