US Citations Data
This page includes US citations data from Google Patents (1926-1975). Note that citations were not officially included on patent documents until February 1947 (Nicholas, 2010)*.

File contains the following columns
Patent number
File date of patent
Issue (grant) date of patent
Patent citation number
File date of patent citation
Issue (grant) date of patent citation
Thanks to Elif Guler for scraping this data from Google Patents.

*Nicholas, Tom, 2010. The Role of Independent Invention in U.S. Technological Development, 1880-1930. The Journal of Economic History, 70(1), pp. 57-82.

USPTO patent data
Abstract, title data can be found here.
Assignee data can be found here.
Citations data can be found here.
Claims data can be found here.
Classifications data can be found here.
Examiner data can be found here.
General info data can be found here.
Inventor data can be found here.
Maintenance fee data can be found here.

Patent-CRSP permco match data
Patent numbers matched to permco numbers data can be found here.