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This"Card of the Evening Conversation"emerged organically from an impulse on 12/12. Everyone who has posted something to these hackpads was been invited to participate in a short(typically 30 minute) conversation inspired by a card pulled at random. We currently gather at varying times, mostly using the Zoom platform+(call-in details here).
Our basic process is to select a card at random, after the group has reflected in silence and each member has landed on a thought, wish, blessing, or question they wish to offer on behalf of the gathering for the evening, this inquiry as a whole, and/or all those who are engaged in work related to systemic transformation. If we are using +video conferencing such as our "open room on the Zoom platform, we pull the card at the moment when all participants have opened their eyes.
Please take some notes below. Give each evening its own section, by typing the"#" sign followed by the date and the name of the card you pulled.
2/6: Reflection-Action Cycle
Ben and Heather had an impromptu Skype call that, in the end, they decided could pass as another edition of the"you know what" even though this thing is officially over...
Consider. Enact. Debrief. Experiment further. Effective processes that move groups forward often involve cycles of reflection, followed by action, leading to additional reflection, and so on. Alternating in this manner fosters engagement and integration, deepens experiential learning, and promotes adaptive problem-solving.
Notes from the discussion...
Well, that was a perfect card! Connects to our shared yearning for a willingnesss to act(including convening groups in dialogue) in an agile, experimental way. And our frustration with the fear that often shows up in the field(including in ourselves too, of course) and throws a spanner in the works by unleashing mischief.
We also talked about white privilege, attitudes of entitlement, compassion for our collective brokenness, Naomi Klein, holacracy as a form of ju jitsu, and a few more things.
In the end, Heather said it was"like running into a friend at a bar!" Cheers!
Build on what someone just said to offer encouragement and carry it further. Affirm their ideas, then extend them to a deeper understanding or add a new twist. Create momentum by saying"Yes, and . . ."
Live Discussion
The whole DandDTrans is a"Yes, and..." conversation.We did this and......, what if we did it and that's all, people waiting to see what's coming out of this... this has an endpoint.(Ben R)
It's a"center for emergence"... an attractor in a chaotic space of emergence. Prototyping the new kinds of conversations. Like Theory U suggests. If it's had an impact with a topic such as Tom's original call, it can also work with lots of other calls.
2/6: Reflection-Action Cycle
1/27: Yes, and...