Remindset - Ballpark

Key Objectives: 

  1. Provide users with quotes to provide mental support & coaching
  1. Users to choose notification settings & schedule
  1. Save, send favourited quotes

$23,400 - 3 developers full time (Android, iOS, Backend)
$3900 - Part-time Project Management & QA
$190 - 1 hour of design time per month
$250 - 1 hour of consulting
Total per month: $27,740

iOS Pricing Only 
$15,600 - 2 developers full time (iOS, Backend)
$1950 - Part-time Project Management & QA
$190 - 1 hour of design time per month
$250 - 1 hour of consulting
Total per month: $17, 990

Month 1 - Setup, Onboarding, User Accounts
Month 2 - Home + Favourites Screen + Like/Share + Reminders
Month 3 - Profile + In-app Purchases
They can launch here!
Month 3.5 - Widgets (Half-month)

Estimated iOS pricing for Remindset MVP  
3*17, 990 (3-month MVP w/ widgets) + 8995 (Launching)  = $62,695
3.5*17, 990 (3.5-month MVP w/out widgets) + 8995 (Launching)  = $71,960

Month 1 (Setup, Onboarding, User Accounts)

Mobile Setup
Mobile layouts, menus, and navigation, as well as setting you up with Apple and Google developer accounts.
Server Setup
  • Backend and server setup as well as a login system for the super administrator to access the Content Management System (CMS).
Remindset Info/Open Screen
This is skippable
User Accounts & Onboarding
Login, Logout, Forgot Password, SignUp
Email / SMS Verification & OTP Service
The ability to send emails via the system and verify user phone numbers and emails. By default we use Mandrill.
User Profile & Accounts