Recommender Project Overview: 

Hybrid ALS-DNN Model:


  • The whole system consists of different models each suitable for a different situation and it decides automatically based on some parameters which to use the most
  • This model
  • Both ALS and DNN have their own pros and cons but in a complementary way. Using them together can be a way of solving popular recommender system challenges.
  • Preprocessing
  • data loading and cleaning
  1. drop duplicated records
  1. dealing with missing values and outliers
  • feature encoding

  • matrix creation
  • Candidate generation using WALS
  • demeanifying the matrix (takes care of sparsity)
  • creating item and user embedding
  • Uses user embedding to calculate item embedding and vice versa.
  • candidate generation solves scalability issue
  • WALS can be parallelized
  • Automated Bayesian HP tuning
  • Candidate ranking using DNN
  • adding item features
  • semantic item embeddings are fed to the network as input.
  • ranking using softmax model
  • The trained model gives a prediction for every user-item pair to say if the item should be recommended or not.
  • complex and non-linear feature extraction
  • “deep and wide” implementation
  • The theory states that wide linear models can effectively
  • memorize sparse feature interactions using cross-product feature transformations, while deep neural networks can generalize to previously unseen feature interactions through low dimensional embeddings.
  • In practice Google used this technique in Google Play store and saw improvement in users feedback.

  • Bayesian HP tuning
  • Postproccessing
  • removing repeated items
  • re-ranking and choosing final recoms

Challenges and solutions

  • cold start problem
  • create average users
  • using ALS
  • matrix sparsity
  • demeanify the matrix
  • scalability
  • candidate generation
  • parallel computation
  • using jit compiler
  • ALS is an offline algorithm so the embeddings can be stored statically
  • variable input size
  • using embeddings from MF instead of one-hot encoded input
  • diversity
  • The result of the model is mixed with the results produced from other models such as pure CF or NCF to create final results
  • including side features
  • Using DNN
  • exploration/exploitation trade-off
  • Randomness is added so that the model can explore different niche items

Questions to ask

  • can we use the trained model for every data or should we retrain?