The Fool
NOTES / +Tarot 

Freedom, faith, inexperience, innocence

+Tarot Journal Notes


  • Light: Taking appropriate action. Receiving guidance from a higher power. Becoming a channel of divine will. Expressing masculine energy in appropriate and constructive ways. Being yourself in every way.
  • Shadow: Inflating your own ego. Abusing talents. Manipulating or deceiving others. Being too aggressive. Using cheap illusions to dazzle others. Refusing to invest the time and effort needed to master your craft. Taking shortcuts.

  • Light: beginnings, freedom, innocence, originality, adventure, idealism, spontaneity
  • Shadow: reckless, careless, distracted, naive, foolish, gullible, stale, dull

  • Today’s card. Aleister Crowley wrote that “ not obtained on any reasonable terms. Reason is an impasse” that only “divine madness” can get through. By mad he meant inspired. To do something wild, not yet seen or done. When your reasoning hasn’t worked, go beyond it.