Off track: Shadow report for the mid-term review of the 2019 Ministerial Declaration on drugs
The 2019 Ministerial Declaration on drugs laid down the main objectives of the international community in addressing the world drug situation for a 10-year period. As we are reaching the mid-way point of this period, and drawing on a broad range of data and evidence, as well as on the experience of civil society and communities, this report shows that by 2023 there has been little, incomplete or no progress in achieving these goals.

This Communications pack contains: 
  • An executive summary of the report.
  • Information about the report’s launch event in Vienna.
  • Template press releases, which you can easily edit for press outreach.
  • Ready-made posts, which can be used to promote the report on social media
  • Social media assets, with key highlights/infographics from the report.
  • Quotes from experiences and accounts in the report.

Executive summary

If you wish to translate the executive summary to your language, we would be happy to lay it out in the report’s format. Get in touch!

Launch event

The launch event of the report will take place next Tuesday, 5 December, at the Vienna International Centre (the UN headquarters in the city). 

Template press releases

This template press release can be easily edited to suit your needs and priorities. 

Global release

Adaptable release for national-level outreach

Ready-made social media posts

  • RECENT RELEASE - @IDPCnet’s latest report exposes systematic disregard for most recent international #drugpolicy agreements. 
  • Despite growing calls to end the harmful #WarOnDrugs’, @IDPCnet’s most recent report shows countries worldwide are perpetuating it. 
  • Next year, @UN Member States will conduct a review of progress in achieving international #drugpolicy agreements. 
  • Recently launched, @IDPCnet’s #OffTrack2024 Shadow Report uses data from UN, government, academic and civil society to evaluate global #drugpolicy, and shed light on its systemwide collapse. 

Social media assets
