The following is an overview of the activities of the NBER Digitization program

Digitization Tutorial: We hold a “tutorial” every year in conjunction with the Winter Meetings for about 50 PhD students interested in working on digitization-related topics in their research. PhD students come from diverse fields including Economics, Strategy, Marketing, IS and related fields. See below for the program on all of the past tutorials:

Winter Meetings: We meet in February / March every year at Stanford University to present and discuss the latest research in the field in a 1-day conference.  About 80-100 people participate every year. See below for programs from the past versions of these meetings.

Summer Meetings: We meet every Summer in conjunction with the NBER Summer Institute in Cambridge, MA, to present and discuss the latest research in the field in a 2-day conference.  About 100-120 people participate every year.  See below for programs from the past versions of these meetings.

Post-Doctoral Fellowships: We provide one post-doctoral fellowship for emerging scholars in the field who have just finished their doctoral degree. The list of all past post-doctoral fellows is provided below: