Must-have Apps for Photographers
In the 21st century, there is an app for almost any purpose. Need to keep you physical and mental shape on point, stay in touch with friends across the world, optimize your workflows, or just make your life easier? You got it! In today’s article, we put together a list of useful apps no photographer should live without. Some of them will help you stay organized and feed your creativity, while others will help you better your craft. But you best believe - all of these will help you work smarter, not harder in 2021.

From to-do lists and note-taking apps, to sun-trackers, photo editors, and storage spaces - there is an app for virtually any purpose that you, as a photographer and creative entrepreneur, might have. We selected 20+ mobile apps to help you become a photography wizard and to make your life easier.

Editing Apps - H2

Unfold offers beautiful templates to help you create engaging photo collages, edit your photos and videos, and create polished and visually appealing Instagram stories (and not only!) Want to share sneak peeks of your weddings and shoots, or just document your day to day life? Unfold is perfect for that! They have various layouts, curated fonts, and editing tools that will make you feel like a pro at design. Create your go-to templates and simply switch pictures and text inside them, or come up with something new and explore their options. 
Available on iOS and Android
Pricing: Free, with premium templates available for individual purchase or a $2.99/month subscription fee.

A great editing tool to help you streamline your workflow and shorten your editing time, with their collection of beautiful presets, and great editing tools. Besides editing options, VSCO has a great community of creatives, who work hard to showcase the best content in and around the world.
Available on iOS and Android
Pricing: Free, or get Premium Features with VSCO Membership for $19.99/year

We won’t say much. One of our favorite photo editors also has a great mobile app. It offers easy-to-use editing tools, such as sliders and filters, that will simplify your editing process. Retouch full-resolution photos, apply photo filters, and edit your photos wherever you are.
Available on iOS and Android
Pricing: Free to install, you need to have one of Adobe Creative Cloud Plans to operate it fully.

If you want to get creative with your Instagram, and unleash your inner artist - this app is your go-to. It doesn’t stop at just editing your photo settings, but it also helps you make stunning images by creating collages, adding borders, inserting text, and playing around with overlays such as grain and vintage textures. More than that, they give you access to thousands of free stock photos for Instagram. 
Available on iOS
Pricing: Free, Premium Version - $4.99/month

Weather & Sun

It comes without saying, but we’ll mention it anyway. Next time you are planning a shoot, be sure to check out the weather situation. There is nothing more frustrating than ruined plans and muddy shoes (unless it’s planned).

Sunseeker is a comprehensive solar tracking & compass app. It shows the sun’s hourly direction intervals, sunrise and sunset time, twilight time, sun shadow, the golden hour & more. Sunseeker is extremely useful for Photographers - to plan your shoots according to the golden hour or blue hour, optimal sunlight conditions, and sunrise and sunset time. It’s also great for Videographers, to help you find the sun exposure, directions, sun shadow, and sunrise and sunset time for any location.
Available on iOS and Android
Pricing: From $7.49 to $9.99

Another great sun and moon tracking app. It will help photographers and filmmakers scout the best locations and plan for the perfect shot with the great light, day or night. Its interface puts emphasis on visualization rather than raw data, and one of its live view features allows you to see the overlays over Google’s Street View for other locations. 
Available on iOS and Android
Pricing: From $7.99 to $9.99

Use this app to know when golden hour is coming and how much time you have left once it starts. The app uses your location along with the current day and calculates when golden hour will occur. They also give you information about the moon - when the next moonrise is and when the next full moon will appear.
Available on iOS
Pricing: Free