Mastering the Power of Nothing-Introduction to White Space
Your design lives within a finite screen. There is only so much that can be said, done, and offered within that tiny box, and so every last pixel is valuable real estate. 
                圖片來源: “bureauhub architecture...” Forgemind ArchiMedia. Creative Commons.
Of course even amateur designers know not to overload a single page, but when it comes to exactly how much white space to include, sometimes even seasoned designers might draw a blank.       
White space, or negative space” as it’s also known – the two terms are used interchangeably – refers to any screen space between ex- isting elements. It doesn’t need to to be white, or even blank (if, for example, you’re using a patterned, colored, or textured background). Negative space creates a vacuum of content, which then draws more attention to the existing content.              
In this book, we’ll discuss the how to apply one the most powerful tools in a designer’s toolbox: nothing at all. If you find this book help- ful, feel free to share with anyone else who might enjoy it. 
Jerry Cao co-written by Kamil Zieba, Krzysztof Stryjewski, and Matt Ellis                        
Jerry Cao 和 Kamil Zieba、 Krzysztof Stryjewski、  Matt Ellis 共同編輯