LAFS Release Notes

11/04/2024 (v8.4.5)


Meetings - Fixed an issue where instructors were not displayed in the Host/Alternative Host(s) section of the People tab on the Meeting Detail page.

Test Builder - Fixed an issue where instructors could not batch assign points to test questions.

10/28/2024 (v8.4.4)


Video Block - Fixed an issue where the input box disappeared when users attempted to enter Label text for Subtitles. 

Meetings - Fixed an issue where the time selector did not allow users to modify the AM/PM field manually.

10/24/2024 (v8.4.3)


Grading - The following fixes have been made to Grading:
  • Fixed an issue where three browser codas appear after navigating away from unsubmitted feedback
  • Fixed an issue where inactive students were not grayed out in the Gradebook view.

Meetings - Fixed an issue where instructors receive a “Something Went Wrong” error when accessing past Zoom meeting recordings.

Tests - Fixed an issue where Correct Answers were shown to students without a white background.

10/18/2024 (v8.4.2)


Tests - Fixed an issue where submitting a test attempt past the due date / with late submissions allowed resulted in an error.

Grading Rubrics - The following fixes have been made to Grading Rubrics:
  • Fixed an issue where filling out criterion feedback on a rubric with no previous grades resulted in an error. 
  • Fixed an issue where canceling changes to the rubric resulted in an error and not resetting to its previous state prior to changes being made.

Assignments & Tests - Fixed an issue where the grade override pencil icon was incorrectly displayed for activities without a grade override.

Classes List - Fixed an issue where removing an instructor from a course did not clear the course from their Classes List.

Profile - Fixed an issue where an instructor’s Office Hours displayed “No hours available” even if the instructor previously set times.

Event Audit - Fixed an issue where the results could not be filtered by class.

10/17/2024 (v8.4.1)


Grading - Fixed an issue where the “Last Feedback” tab caused an error when the student left feedback.

Messages - Fixed an issue where the instructor’s contact information did not auto-populate in the message when a student attempted to message an instructor.

Assignments - Fixed an issue where the Files section appeared to students with no File content blocks.

Discussion Assignments - Fixed an issue where a post’s Expand option displays “Show Less” and the Collapse option displays “Show More”.

10/17/2024 (v8.4.0)