LAFS Release Notes

04/22/2024 (v8.0.13)


Batch Downloads - Fixed an issue that prevented the completion of batch downloads.

Video Subtitles Auto-Generator - Fixed an issue that prevented the completion of auto-generated video subtitles.   

04/21/2024 (v8.0.11)


Notifications - Fixed an issue where students received incorrect auto-grading notifications from past withdrawn courses.

04/08/2024 (v8.0.7)


Grading - Fixed an issue where feedback intended for one student was posted to a different student’s activity when faculty attempted to grade the other student’s activity via a notification after grading the initial student’s activity.

03/06/2024 (v8.0.5)


Status Circles - Fixed an issue where the Actual, Trending, and Best grades were not displayed in this order via a popover when hovering over a student status circle. 

Meetings - The following fixes have been made to Meetings:
  • Fixed an issue where faculty receives a type error when attempting to edit a meeting without reminders less than 15 minutes away from its start time.
  • Fixed an error where the start time was incorrectly set when duplicating a meeting if the Daylight Savings change occurs in the next seven days after the original start date.

Rubrics - Fixed an issue where students receive an error when submitting an activity with an attached rubric and a newly created rubric grade. 

02/22/2024 (v8.0.0)


Video Asset Catalog - Added a catalog for storage of Video Assets within each course. Videos can be searched, edited, and linked to sections within the course, or shared to sections in other courses. 

Video Subtitles Auto-Generator & Editor - Added the ability for faculty to auto-generate video subtitles for each Video Asset via the Amazon Transcription service. Faculty can edit and save updates to each subtitle and automatically push the updates to every location where the associated video is visible.

Learning Tool Interoperability - Added LTI 1.3 support to connect compliant third-party tools to the LMS, and support automatic account creation, deep linking, and grade passback between the connected tools.


Flags and Account Statuses - Added a Military account status indicator for applicable students in the Avatar Popover and Watchlist, and a filter in the People List.

Copying to Section - Added the ability to stay in the exact location of the Section Dropdown when copying content to sections or sharing meetings with other sections.

Admin Tools - The following improvements have been made to Admin Tools:
  • Added the ability to hide or access the Enable/Disable Account button on the Account Tool via a new Permission.
  • Re-positioned the Permissions checkboxes to the first column. 
  • Reformatted the Admin Tools to be viewed in a grid instead of a list.

Meetings - The following improvements have been made to Meetings:
  • Added the ability for faculty to duplicate meetings seven days in advance without resetting the time or duration.
  • Added a Day selector to the Meeting Reminders option.

Status Circles - Added the ability to display the Current, Trending, and Actual grades via a popover when hovering over a student status circle. 

Image Gallery Block - Increased the viewable thumbnail display in the content upload modal.