- Intermediate to Advanced CSS for Practical Peoples
- Talk
- Intro Slide
- Introduce myself
- People I’m stealing a lot from
- Lullabot slide
- Goal
- Summary of entire talk
- ToC for next section
- Foreword
- Units
- Media queries
- Layout (ToC)
- Document Flow & You
- Layout 101 in 2018
- Float
- Let’s go Outside In
- Grid
- Flexbox
- Box Model
- Position
- How do I know Which Layout Style to Use?
- Pseudo-content
- Transform
- CSS Accessibility Concerns
- Debugging CSS with Browser Dev Tools
- Common Debug Issues and Methods
- Making nice transitions and animations
- Tips on Composing CSS
- General Tips
- Starting from scratch
- Working inside of a framework
- Tips, Tricks and Hacks for the Discerning Developer
- Take guest fancy tricks
- My notes on what I want to cover
- Layout
- Flow of the document
- Work with the flow:
- Break the flow
- Debugging CSS
- Practical Tips for Composing CSS
- Starting from scratch
- Working inside of a framework
- Units
- Favorite Tricks
- Sources
Intro Slide
Introduce myself
People I’m stealing a lot from
Lullabot slide
Summary of entire talk
ToC for next section
Media queries
@media screen {
/* Styles */
@media screen, print { /* Styles */ }
@media (max-width: 768px) { /* Styles */ }
@media (min-width: 48em) and (orientation: landscape) { /* Styles */ }
Layout (ToC)
Document Flow & You
Layout 101 in 2018
FloatLet’s go Outside In
How do I know Which Layout Style to Use?
CSS Accessibility Concerns
Debugging CSS with Browser Dev Tools
Common Debug Issues and Methods
Making nice transitions and animations
Tips on Composing CSS
Tips, Tricks and Hacks for the Discerning Developer
Take guest fancy tricks
My notes on what I want to cover
Flow of the document
Debugging CSS
Practical Tips for Composing CSS
Favorite Tricks