β€‹β€‹β€‹πŸ“‚β€‹ Account Plan: Company name

​Executive summary β€‹βš‘β€‹οΈ

​​Explain why your product is a great fit for this company.

​Company profile β€‹πŸ›οΈβ€‹ 

​​Fill in important details about their company.
​​What does this company do?
​​What industry are they in?
​​How many people work there?
​​How much money do they make?
​​What are their goals and what’s their approach?
​​Any other noteworthy details?

​Strategy β€‹πŸ—Ίβ€‹

​​List their pain points and how our product can solve them.
​​Their pain points
​​Our solution
​​Category 1
​​Category 2
​​Category 3

​Key stakeholders ​πŸ‘₯​

​​List the key influencers and decision makers at their company.

​Competition β€‹πŸ€Όβ€β™€οΈβ€‹ 

​​What competing products are they considering?

​Risks β€‹βš οΈβ€‹

​​List possible risks you might have with this company.