HUD Makes More than $20 Million Available to Fight Housing Discrimination
HUD Makes More than $20 Million Available to Fight Housing Discrimination
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD) announced that it is making $20,229,156 available to fair housing organizations across the nation working to fight housing discrimination. The funds will support a variety of activities, including fair housing testing, education and outreach, and capacity building, and are being provided through the Department’s Fair Housing Initiatives Program(FHIP). The categories of grants being made available now are:
Education and Outreach Initiative(EOI) – $7,223,649 – EOI grants help groups develop and implement tester training and education and outreach programs.
Fair Housing Organizations Initiative(FHOI)– $2,250,000 – FHOI grants provide funds to non-profit fair housing organizations to build their capacity and effectiveness to conduct enforcement related activities.
Private Enforcement Initiative(PEI) – $10,755,507 – PEIgrants help non-profit fair housing enforcement organizations carry out investigations and other enforcement activities to prevent or eliminate discriminatory housing practices.
Applicants who are interested in applying for funding should go to to obtain a copy of the specific Notice of Funding Opportunity, forms, instructions, and other application materials. Additional information can be found on HUD’s website, Applications must be received by June 14, 2021.