please copy-paste your research questions and aims and strategies at urban and architecture level here
Research questions
How to promote common spaces as an alternative use of unused / abandoned public spaces ?
How to make common spaces more integrated in the urban landscape ?
How to enable common spaces for larger number of people and more diverse community ?
Design of a flexible toolkit intended to community or public spaces, tested in the context of the North Quar.
Transformation of a unused marginal public space in a common area through architectural design as a representation of the toolkit.
Urban StrategiesMethod
In depth analysis of a reference project to understand the criteria regarding underused public spaces.
Analysis and mapping of the unused / abandoned / marginal green public spaces in Brussels holding a potential for common spaces.
Learning from the existing temporary uses in the area(Alive Architecture and Lab North)
Analysis of the tools, equipment and devices necessary and available for the toolkit.
Understanding of the everyday lifestyle to adapt the type of intervention.
Urban Strategies
Rethinking the green strip along the Boulevard Roi Albert II as a commons, and active green space as a shared resource with added activities serving to everyday life.
Boulevard Roi Albert II as a commons which can include and serve to the wide range of users: commuters, businessman, low-income citizens living in the area
Commons with time in mind: responding to the temporal changes in the area in the day/season/year
Architectural Strategies
North Green Galery as a commons enabled through the deployment of a socio-spatial toolkit
Interventions through flexible, adaptable and temporal structures
Research and integration of the concept of flexibility, urban design, attractiveness, in the architectural design.
Appropriation of the underused rooftops
Research questions
How to make a decade long metro construction project more livable and constructive instead of destructive to its socio economic dynamics?
How can the space of a construction become a commons(breaking the state of exception status)?
What are the border conditions of a construction site and how flexible are they?
How can a construction site be more inviting?
How can communication between construction site workers and neighborhood be optimised?
What is the role of sound in the transition of Place Liedts from a busy intersection to a construction site?
What is the current sonic condition in Place Liedts?
What is the future sonic condition in Place Liedts in the context of a construction site?
making two axonometries out of 3d model of place Liedts
completing sketchup model, windows doors, more detail in facades
research construction site conditions and implement in second version of the model
complete writing on state of exception vs construction site
complete sonic analysis of Place Liedts, create a syntaxis for sound and apply on axo
establishing contact with Beliris and gaining further insight into the construction planning
making a connection diagram and analyzing potential connections
Urban StrategiesMethodYannick