Community mapping and profiling
Mapping index
The one about community mapping
- blog post by Catherine Howe
Catherine Howe mentions community mapping
Open University paper - Making sense of assets
How to Create a Community Resource Guide
Discover how nonprofits, city agencies, and the local library came together to create a resource guide for residents of the library's neighborhood.
Techsoup 2015
Mapping local assets and issues
Mapping the social city: Atlas of social maps
- 2015 - Through our
Mapping the Social City
project, Social Life and
have been exploring how maps and mapping tools can help us understand local places and people’s everyday experiences, to help us find new perspectives on urban social life and social innovation in cities.
Includes list of online tools
Community asset mapping
- Factsheet from Brighter Futures together. Northumbria University.
Community mapping toolkit
- Preston council
Mapping Assets within the Media, Community and the Creative Citizen project
- UK-Greece project 2013 with useful discussion of issues
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Mapping local assets and issues