Community Strategy leading to Stacks 2.0
We have a provided a series of topics below and a tentative time frame of important activities before launching our mainnet to best prep you for this session. We’re also available to chat through this timing and ideas further on a call or discord. Keep us posted!
  • 🧰Meetup Resources
Each theme is critical piece of Stacks 2.0. As Blockstackers, we need to come together in order to launch the community initiated hard fork! Some of our evangelists such as Dan and Friedger are already planning to host their virtual sessions in Belgium and Tel Aviv this April. If you’re interested to organize one let us know! ☝️💯 

₿ PoX Overview

🛎️Event blurb:
As Blockstackers, our mission to grow internet ownership squares well with Nakamoto’s goals of surfacing important developments for a technically literate audience. They’re trying to create a civil place for the crypto community to discuss Bitcoin and everything else.

📝Full description:
We at Blockstack agree with the prediction that Bitcoin will become the flag of technology by the end of the 2020's, because it’s a community symbol and an aligning point as reflected in our recent SIP-007. Our stacking proposal leverages Bitcoin because it is the most secure Proof-of-Work blockchain in use. That is, it allows anyone to use a secure PoW cryptocurrency like Bitcoin to participate in consensus algorithms for new blockchains without ever repeating the need to go from electricity to PoW.

Join us for a discussion on Blockstack, Stacking, and much more!

📆 Rough Agenda
  • 15 mins Blockstack Overview
  • 20 mins PoX 
  • 5 How to get involved

🗝️ Key Resources:
  • Shannon will help to setup your Crowdcast session and invite you as a speaker. She will run a test session with you prior to the event to familiarize you with the Crowdcast format. 

🧰 More Resources

🏆Signs of success:
  • No. of new Blockstackers in PoX thread in discord 
  • Please ask for a specific discord invite link for your virtual meetup

  • If you wanna know more about Blockstack, its various phases of testnet, bounties, and PoX working group updates please join our discord community 

  • No. of emails collected interested in Mining with PoX
  • Duplicate this sheet and list all emails of interested participants

⛏️ Mining with PoX → Resources to come after Argon phase April 15