Round 1 Room 15
Dialogue, Deliberation and Systemic Transformation 
Who is here?
Bruce - thanks to all
what draws me: ben said it in his introduction -- "an incredible ripeness -- an extreme pressure"
Jennifer: Desire to be strategic in our actions, coming out of my sense of urgency for these issues.
Manju: Possibility for connection among actors in this work
?: Working systemically for optimization - working in a way that wants to optimize win/win solutions
Bruce: There is a ripeness in this moment - spiritual? convergence of the human spirit? - very inspiring - NCCD has the power to be the connective glue for this
Manju: "Rocket-launching process" - really feeling the energy of this
Gerry: The Shambhala Warrior tradition speaks of these times
Another resource: The Pattern that Reconnects
Starting to overcome social fragmentation - then a people's movement will arise from this with innocent power
Jennifer: importance of dialogue where one sees humanity in each other and dialogue changes us
Bruce: sensing the growth potential in this entire call
Gerry: synergy of dialogue and diapraxis, for internal as well as external change
Gerry: Diapraxis: strategic application of dialogue for internal/external change