Mapping for accessibility
+EC1 ideas index 


Ideas from 2021 on mapping accessible/inaccessible places, below. Here’s a more recent article about Wheelmap

The challenge

The June 2021 issue of the EC1Echo highlighted ways in which social distancing measures could make streets less accessible for wheelchair uses and others with disabilities.
There’s more in the Guardian
Tables blocking the road. Chairs over flat kerbs. Gazebos built on accessible parking. The surge in street dining since lockdown eased in England has been great for businesses, but not so much for wheelchair users and people with mobility conditions, who report being unable to get around their home towns due to the new blockages.

The idea

David Wilcox suggested mapping routes to show problems

Example of a solution

This mapping could draw on 20 minute neighbourhood planning
Here’s an example from there

What would it take

Maybe mapping for accessibility could build on Islington’s people-friendly streets initiative

The Living Streets organisation might have some ideas through their London Footways project - “The Footways network has been curated to connect major places with appealing and accessible streets. “

Here’s help from City Hall
The London Plan includes a number of policies which promote the development of an inclusive environment. The Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) on Accessible London provides advice on implementing inclusive design principles effectively, and on creating an accessible environment in London. This SPG has particular emphasis on the access needs of the capital’s disabled and older people. 

A quick online search yielded the Complete Streets toolkit

Next steps 

First check in with Grace and Echo editor to see if they think it worth following up, using this document.
I can reference mapping that I’ve started in EC1:

Practicalities of mapping

The Australian Strathmore map above used Google My Maps. I think a better solution would be Maphub
One feature of Maphub is you can upload photos from a smartphone and they will automatically locate on the map in the correct position, using GPS.

It would then be possible to add some description about the problem, as text or an audio file