🍄Modal Dialogs


Inform users about a task or contain critical information.

Visual Examples


  • Appears in front of the app
  • Purposefully interruptive - should be used sparingly
  • If two actions are used, one is confirming and one is dismissing
  • Requires a decision to be made before dismissal


Focused: grabs user's attention
Direct: dedicated to completing a task/decision
Helpful: appears in response to an action with more info





  • Interruptive by design
  • Remains on screen until user dismisses

Atomic Model Identification

Templates (fully baked UI in Features)


  1. Non full-screen dialogs are used in instances where the user needs to confirm something
  1. Two actions: confirming and dismissing/cancel
  1. Contain a "x" to dismiss

Dos and Don'ts

Try to limit the number of interactions in a modal dialog and remove content that does not support the task. 
Do not present the user with unclear choices and make sure choices are relevant to the modal's content.


Accessibility Requirements & Resources

  1. Mouse and keyboard interactions can be used to navigate throughout dialog and can either confirm or dismiss it.
  1. When active, the dialog takes keyboard focus and users cannot interact with page content behind it.
  1. Focus returns to the control that initially activated the dialog when dialog is dismissed. It can be dismissed it by:
  1. Clicking a dismissive action (cancel, close)
  1. Clicking the Back button

Mountaineer Design System Link

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