City Commons components
+City Commons index 

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Here’s the components of the Commons that we might develop over time

Themes - storylines

Help develop an historical timeline: how, then, next
How making has changed
Create your own guides

Commons website

+City Commons site - Google site with embeds or links to
  • Blog 
  • Presentation slides - can be embedded on the Google site
  • Story maps
  • Social media publishing and aggregation - Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest
  • How to create a Commons - Google docs shared with main Commons site
  • Work in progress using Google docs

Other tools to explore

  • Shared calendar
  • More personas

Exploration plan and organising

  • Trello routemap
  • Airtable of assets
  • Map of the components
  • Group
  • Templates - airtable, site


  • Official and expanded Story and Journal maps, including suggested places
  • Google Earth
  • Historical timeline

Key places

+Museum of London 
+Centre for Music 


  • Interviews
  • Map of contacts


  • 360 photos and videos 
  • historical images
  • cuttings