question log
week 2

sysadmin/server mgmt

ssh agent
  • why do I have to repeat loading the ssh-agent and adding the key with every login session, to access github repo on droplets, and access droplets from mugwort?

ssh practices
  • better to have a different key pair for each server - github connection? or is it ok to have 1 pair for all droplets to github?
  • re: for local machine - droplets

  • inside a container.yml file, how would I specify what should be done on top of the base image? inside roles?
  • does ansible container allow you to spread your replica amongst nodes like docker swarm?
  • what happens when you do a deploy with ansible container?
  • what happens if a container has an issue? will the conductor create a new one?
  • if you have front-end replicas, will the conductor create a network and do some load balancing between the replicas like docker swarm?
  • is there anything that docker swarm does which ansible container does not?

high level/big picture app design
  • How would one go about estimating how much compute and memory you need for your app? (e.g. what droplet size to go with)

using Docker with EC2
  • Does it make sense to use Docker with EC2? I’m thinking it does, because even if you can scale EC2 instances at will, you still want isolation between microservices (which Docker allows you).

swarm automation
  • What are some solutions to automate swarm setup? ansible, terraform

swarm design
  • Does it make sense to have the frontend in the same stack as the Wordpress backend? or separate stacks?

  • How to leave a stack running while kicking in changes to the config file? Docker deploy doesn’t seem to do that?

Docker development
  • is it necessary to rebuild the image each time I want to see the changes I’ve made to my code?
  • for some reason, nodemon only runs briefly exiting in the containers hosted on my Digital Ocean droplets. It seemed to work fine on the swarm I hosted on my personal laptop. Why?
  • staging-production with Docker swarm: My idea is to set up a swarm on my computer (staging), and a swarm hosted on my Digital Ocean droplets (production).


  • What are some cases where React wouldn’t be a good choice for a website nowadays?

  • What are the requirements for my react app to run in production, as opposed to development?
  • nodejs
  • npm
  • packages: create-react-app
  • webpack

Frontend/backend terminology
  • Is my express web server a front end because it simply serves my front end, which is the client making queries to a back end? (e.g. analogous to apache)
  • Or is my express web server a backend, because it’s a web framework and contains the logic for what to serve for different requests?