Round 1 Room 13
Dialogue, Deliberation and Systemic Transformation 
Who is here? @Leanne Nurse
Barbara Simonetti
Nancy Glock-Grueneich
Why are we here?
Leanne now ready to go deeper to seek change/transformation at a fundamental level--after years in the trenches; it's wrenching..Gratitude as well.
Barbara: darkest moments the greatest possibility, hope and curiosity to see what could emerge. I'm open and just getting invitations to facilitate the meetings and work of others, e.g. Unitarians, university presidents, young women learning to drive.
How much do we see our work as leveraging each other's work, and open to that?
Barbara:  I had to evolve into this space at this time. 65 yo, able to give time.  University greening, young women; Unitarians on class issues.  Something really right about just being able to hand dialogue processes to these folks.
Leanne: Ways of being in spaces, e.g. a memorial service yet one connected to the marches in the real world.
Barbara: What I'm struck with in hearing you is that your way of being was that you were a role model that opened them to try for this way of being also. We need to do all of our work such that it enables others as well, never only as proprietary but always as teachers building the work of others.
Nancy: The timing of this conversation ...focus on hope and have partners that make that hope come alive.