Social ecosystems
+Local Commons index 

Ecosystem components

  • A local ecosystem will have these main components:
  • People with different interests, motivations, experience, and disposition and skills. Some will have a wide network of relationships, some less; some will share ideas openly, others not.
  • Groups and organisations that may or may not have a culture of sharing, good or poor internal communications, hierarchical or networked structures.
  • Businesses, large and small
  • Networks that define the relationships between people and organisations.
  • Content in different formats and media: ranging from books and essays to blog posts and tweets; highly structured or snippets; formal or informal.
  • Types of exchange which may be conversational or formal; stories or documents.
  • Social spaces where people meet or just bump into each other - churches and mosques, supermarkets, pubs and school gates, community centres and sports venues.
  • Online platforms for sharing: big systems like Google, Facebook and Twitter that provide the platform for much exchange; closed systems within organisations; self-hosted systems.
  • Tools: social media and other tools that allow us to share content on platforms as well as face-to-face conversations, phone calls, paper-based communications, radio, TV.
  • Resources in the community - which may be places, funds, repositories of knowledge and expertise, for example.
  • Activities using resources, undertaken by people and organisations, that may become projects.