Round Two: Online Room 6 for World Cafe on Jan 29, 2015 
Part of DandDTrans: a community of inquiry and action regarding the role that D&D can play in addressing the mega-crises of our time
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Who is here? 
  • Laura C
  • Savannah
  • Robert
  • Jarod 
Round Two Question: 
What else have you learned--and what else have we learned-- that you feel adds real value to our work?
Collaborative Notes
Laurie: Tom's three questions about being in the world - Umbreela - effective enagement around climate crisis-  how to engage people at a level that is inviting and allows them to enage in a constructive way?
Does further support need to be provided to help people enagge in the conversation and live with what they've learned constructively?
There is a lot going on and a need to j
 3 questions from room 2 conversation
1) How to engage people at a level that invites them to expand their identity beyond that of a practitioner, student, etc. Approach, questions. contexts, etc that would be inviting,
2)What kind of support would need to be provided after a consciousness raising conversation to reenforce learning and its translation into action.
Frame our initiative as joining other good things that are happening, identify and use best practices. No time to reinvent wheels.
Savannah:  How to get knowledge out to people to show them the choices they have to connect with them.  Many strands at work but not working together.  How do we have a generalized framework regardless of where their from to help engage and respond to them?  Wholistic way needed to see the interrelated nature of the many pieces. 
Jarrod:  There are so many people working on how to make a difference.  Impressed with the numbers.  Impressed with the many practitioners and the techniques and philosophies they use.  
Robert: Been a facilitator since late 80s. Not much whole systems thinking, doing work with vision settings.
But when it comes to these very large issues, many efforts not coherent nor converging. Can what degree is that okay or even good, and will there be convergence at some point.
S: Last week's talk on transformation room 13 last week, after notes, link to : Deep social networks document. 
R: Lucas Cioffi (NCDD) is offering with variety of tools. DandDTrans
Silent Harvest
We need to mine use what we know from our life and work experience about how to bring news people don't want to focus on  to people so they can take it in, digest it and turn it into adaptive action.