LASS in English
  • The Location Aware Sensing System (LASS) is a non-profit Maker project with a focus on open hardware/software/data systems for location-based sensor applications. Although there have been tons of technical documents contributed by the LASS community, most of them are maintained in Chinese. The objective of this page is to become an English portal for the global LASS community, and we will gradually add more content to this page (either translation of existing documents or adding new ones). Your contributions are most welcome!
LASS Introduction
LASS Resources
  • The root of LASS project is at LASS-HOME (github)
  • We welcome posts in English! The community seeks to provide greater English support.
Where to buy
  • LASS devices are designed and intended for users to assemble themselves. All parts can be purchased individually online. For user convenience, a LASS partner provides a kit, as well as a case and pre-installation services. International shipping is available.
  • Shipping via EMS, UPS, DHL, FedEx
How to get support
  • Post to the official Facebook LASS Group. 
  • You can also leave questions here.
  • Email "HaDad" at:
Device Installation information
  1. The device should include:
  1. LASS device + sensors with case (pre-installed)
  1. The label with default WIFI ID/PWD
  1. Installation Procedure
  1. Set up a wifi gateway with the SSID, password that provided in the label. The easiest way is to set up a mobile phone to share the interest to this device.
  1. Power up device (suggest in a location where GPS can work correctly)
  1. You should be able to see your device on the LASS sensing map
  1. Debug Procedure (Hope you don't need this)
  1. The device is designed to be relatively easy to customize to suit the user/researcher's needs, but may not be super friendly for end user. Please always find an engineer or computer science student to help.
  • [ FIXME ] 
  1. Make sure LASS connects to wifi gateway
Information about AirBox