Developing and choosing a story map
+Mapping index 

Choosing the right story map
Using Create a story chooser - 2015

Map tour - example
“This app presents a sequential, place-based narrative in the form of a series of geotagged photos and captions linked to an interactive map. It’s ideal for walking tours or for a series of locations you’d like users to follow in sequence.” Places, with photos, uncategorised.
Map shortlist - example
“This app lets you present a set of places of interest organized into tabs based on themes, such as parks, attractions, hotels, etc. The tabs update to show people what's in the area they are looking at on the map, making it easy and fun to find out what's available.” Places, with photos, categorised.

Map series - provides tabs for different maps - example
Map journal - example
“This app lets you present an in-depth narrative in a scrolling side panel and organized into sections. Each section has an associated featured media such as a map, image, video, etc.”
 Looks good for broad presentation and narrative, but not for points 

Map cascade - example
“This app lets you present your narrative as a compelling, full-page scrolling experience. Sections containing text and in-line media can be interspersed with 'immersive' sections that fill the page and can include effects like map animations and visual transitions.”