Catherine’s dating profile 🌌
Dating! Yes! As of July 2024, seeking dates!


Catherine “catherio” Olsson
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Location: Berkeley
Kids: Preferred
Monogamy preferred, but flexible. Experienced with poly and can articulate what aspects I do and don’t prefer.

Seeking a partner. Ideally kids, and the commitment to support that.

About me

I come across as…

… competent, warm, smart, playful, sensual, and vibrant.

I spend my time and energy on…

Creating home spaces that support who I want to be. Hosting!

Having fun!!!

Being outdoors. It’s way easier to think and feel when you’re in nature!

Introspecting, meditating, and articulating what I discover. Writing more is a goal this year!

Hanging out with friends’ kids. I get along amazingly well with most kids. I’m excited about the deep principles behind Montessori.

I work at Anthropic, building software tools to support research. I like my job a lot. Even though the AI future scares me and Anthropic is far from perfect, I feel I’m bringing my best gifts to supporting Anthropic (and the people who work there) towards wisdom and integrity.

I’m a first-generation immigrant with roots in Sweden and Australia. I grew up in the Pacific Northwest. I would be delighted to share an enthusiasm for my heritage and upbringing with a partner.

About you

Not “requirements”, but any of these is a very strong plus for me!

Gender/sex: I’m most into men who are both comfortable in masculinity and alive to their feminine aspects (also I’ve seriously dated non-binary/trans folks before, so try me).

Emotionally attuned: You’re in touch with yourself and listen deeply to others.

Playful: Yeah!!!