Zoraï history EN (published)

History of the Zoraï, Keepers of the Wild

The Zoraï are the result of the fifth genetic manipulation of OmegaCorp and the first homins.

The Zoraï meet the Karavan who spread the word of Jena, the mythology of the Dragon and the Prophecy. Contacts are rare with the Karavan who struggle to find the Zoraï in the impenetrable jungle. The Zoraï are particularly discrete and live in tribes relatively close to each other in the depths of the jungle. They share their territory with the Gibbaï, in a surprising harmony. The Kamis observe the Zoraï, quickly realizing that they are the most promising of the homins, but hesitate to contact them fearing to frighten them definitively.

The Zoraï begin to gather around a common philosophy suffused with nature veneration and mysticism. The Zoraï associate Jena with the creation of the world they already call Sphere.
They settled in numbers south of the Ti-ain river in an area of difficult access that they call Zoran.
Zoraï watchers observe Matis mektoub-riders slaughtering the Momos. Horrified, the Zoraï begin to think of a way to preserve their borders. Some people put forth the idea of a large wall, but given the extent of the task, the project is dropped.

A gigantic wildfire breaks out to the north-west. The smoke is visible from the northern edge of the jungle. Many Kamis take refuge in the jungle to regenerate after their fight against the fire. The contact becomes inevitable and the encounters multiply.
A tribal chief named Cho understands the desire of the Kamis to come closer to the homins for fighting threats to nature: the one recently observed in the Northwest Territories, but also a mysterious disease that has recently appeared and that affects fauna and flora indiscriminately. A very strong bond is created between Kamis and Zoraï, which leads to the foundation of the first cult dedicated to the Kamis, incarnations of the pure energy that created the Sphere. The first temples are built in the name of the Kamis, the largest being located in the City-Temple of Zoran. The Kamis create the mask of kinship for the Zoraï, as symbol of this link.
Cho becomes the first Zoraï dynast.

First contact with the Trykers on the west border of the jungle. The Zoraï first take them for children and show patience towards the merry newcomers. However, timid trade exchanges are thereafter undertaken between the two peoples.

After several unsuccessful attempts to divert the Zoraï from the Kamis, the Karavan impart them the secret of magnetism and electrostatism in order to bring them back into the light of Jena. Although they still assimilate Jena to the Supreme Kami, the Zoraï begin to argue over opposing visions of their beliefs, especially about the cult of Jena.

Infuriated by the adamant refusal of the Zoraïs to break up with the Kamis, the Karavan set up a punitive expedition against a village. The Kamis step in to discourage the Karavan and the two parties end up keeping their distance after a brief conflict. Following this violent episode, the Zoraï overwhelmingly choose the side of the Kamis. The cult of the Kamis develops more in the form of multiple religious orders but many grey areas remain and the name Jena is still widely used.
The Kamis begin to teach magic to the Zoraï, who are particularly attentive and become very able in this new exercise which perfectly fits their beliefs.

The exchanges have multiplied and villages have been founded to the north beyond the Ti-Ain river. The Zoraï are increasingly witnessing things that they dislike or hearing news that gradually lead them to withdrawal (especially the Fyros and Matis wishes of conquest). The elders begin to talk about the wall that has become possible and construction starts.

Death of Cho. Mon becomes the new dynast and takes the name of Cho to perpetuate kinship.
The Karavan take the opportunity to reaffirm the worship of Jena, and teach writing to Mon-Cho in exchange for his support. This one, seduced, accepts but is quickly brought back on the path of the Kamis by the Sages who adapt writing so that it becomes the reflection of the zoraï and kamist philosophy.
The Great Library of Zoran is founded.
In response, the Kamis begin to teach magic to the Matis and the Trykers.

The end of the construction of the Great Wall coincides with the growing interest in the magic of the Matis, who meet the Zoraï for the first time on this occasion. Merchant trading posts are set up outside the Wall to allow commercial and cultural exchanges between Matis, Trykers and Zoraï to continue, while maintaining peace and harmony within.

Trade becomes flourishing and is now organized around the dappers invented by the Trykers.

Rumors of conflict between the Fyros (whom the Zoraï have yet never encountered) and the Matis about water supply are spread to Zoran by the merchants. The Zoraï do not pay attention to them for the moment.

The War of the Aqueduct breaks out between the Fyros-Trykers alliance on the one hand and the Matis on the other. The Zoraï try to stay aloof and start construction work to improve their defenses by adding watchtowers along their Great Wall.

Lin-cho is dynast.