White extremist movements: documentaries and short videos
Collection of documentaries and short videos on grassroots white radicalism and extremism (recent and contemporary), to be used for educational purposes. The content is copyrighted by its owners. Summary descriptions have been scraped from the publishers’ websites.

Compiled and curated by Paris Aslanidis (Lecture of Political Science, Yale University). Feel free to contact me with comments and suggestions.

Current entries: 156 (updated regularly)
Categories: United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, Africa, Latin America, Personal Stories

United States

Oklahoma City [PBS American Experience, 2017]

On April 19, 1995, Timothy McVeigh, a former soldier deeply influenced by the literature and ideas of the radical right, parked a Ryder truck with a five-ton fertilizer bomb in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City. Moments later, 168 people were killed and 675 were injured in the blast. Oklahoma City traces the events — including the deadly encounters between American citizens and law enforcement at Ruby Ridge and Waco — that led McVeigh to commit the worst act of domestic terrorism in American history. With a virulent strain of anti-government anger still with us, the film is both a cautionary tale and an extremely timely warning. 
Runtime: 1h 53m

April 19th: The Oklahoma Bomb [Secret Rulers of the World TV mini-series, 2001]

Through the life of Timothy McVeigh, the man who bombed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995, especially on the reasons behind his behavior.
Runtime: 49m
Watch: YouTube

The Turner Diaries: A Call to Action [PBS American Experience, 2017]

Could a single book inspire deadly terror? The Turner Diaries has been tied to nearly 200 murders, including those committed by Timothy McVeigh when he bombed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. This new short film from American Experience, featuring an interview with J.M. Berger, an extremism fellow at The Hague, chronicles the adherents to the book and their crimes, while illuminating rare footage of The Turner Diaries author William Pierce.
Runtime: 8m
Watch: PBS, YouTube

Ruby Ridge [PBS American Experience, 2017]

Shortly before dawn on August 21, 1992, six heavily armed U.S. marshals made their way up to the isolated mountaintop home of Randy and Vicki Weaver and their children on Ruby Ridge in Northern Idaho. Charged with selling two illegal sawed-off shotguns to an undercover agent, Weaver had failed to appear in court and law enforcement was tasked with bringing him in. For months, the Weavers had been holed up on their property with a cache of firearms, including automatic weapons. When the federal agents surveilling the property crossed paths with members of the family, a firefight broke out. The standoff that mesmerized the nation would leave Weaver injured, his wife and son dead, and some convinced that the federal government was out of control. Drawing upon eyewitness accounts, including interviews with Weaver’s daughter, Sara, and federal agents involved in the confrontation, Ruby Ridge is a riveting account of the event that helped give rise to the modern American militia movement.
Runtime: 53m
Watch: iTunes, amazon, Netflix

Ruby Ridge: American Standoff [The New York Times RetroReport, 2014]

When armed suspects stand off against the law today, one event continues to cast a shadow on both sides of the police line: the 1992 siege at Ruby Ridge. In bold documentary style, Retro Report looks back at the major stories that shaped the world using fresh interviews, analysis and compelling archival footage.
Runtime: 12m

The Legend of Ruby Ridge [Secret Rulers of the World TV mini-series, 2001]

In the first episode of this five-part series, Jon Ronson covers the events of 21st August 1992, near Naples, Idaho, during which Randy Weaver, his family and a friend, came head-to-head with the US Marshals Service and the F.B.I. (Federal Bureau of Investigation).
Runtime: 49m
Watch: YouTube

The Shadow of Waco [The New York Times RetroReport, 2015]

In 1993, federal agents raided the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Tex., and generated a legacy of fear that continues to shape antigovernment groups today. In bold documentary style, Retro Report looks back at the major stories that shaped the world using fresh interviews, analysis and compelling archival footage.
Runtime: 15m

Waco: The Inside Story [PBS Frontline, 1995]

FRONTLINE investigates the April 1993 FBI siege of the Branch Davidian compound at Waco, Texas. With access to secret government documents, audio and videotapes, correspondent Peter Boyer of The New Yorker probes the untold story of the fierce political infighting inside the FBI’s Waco command center and in the corridors of power at the Justice Department in Washington.
Runtime: 59m
Watch: PBS, vimeo

Waco: The Rules of Engagement [The Fifth Estate, 1997]

A reassessment of the tragedy at Waco, Texas that left 76 members of the Branch Davidian religious sect dead, along with 4 Federal agents. Triggered by a government raid on the compound suspected of housing illegal weapons, events soon spiralled out of control as a siege was declared. This doc explores the shocking revelations surrounding the ATF's handling of the event, urging a reassessment.
Runtime: 1h 28m

What Really Happened at Waco [CBS News 60 Minutes, 2000]

What really occurred outside Waco on April 19, 1993? Is the U.S. government responsible for the deaths of more than 70 men, women and children at the Branch Davidian compound? For years anti-government conspiracy theorists have argued that the answer was yes. Today the Waco incident is the subject of two congressional investigations, an independent counsel and a multimillion-dollar civil lawsuit against the government. Many new details about the disaster have come to light only recently. Today virtually all of the evidence from Waco, much of it paperwork from the many different government agencies involved, is stored in a secured room in Waco. The federal judge handling the civil trial ordered it collected and stockpiled, so that it could not be tampered with. That evidence may provide some new answers to what actually happened at the Branch Davidian compound outside Waco. Dan Rather investigates.
Runtime: 14m
Watch: Alexander Street