What's the collective noun for a group of Analysts?
First version: 
this page is intended to help us develop a wee contingency plan for the Analysts' get-together on the 26th. October 2016, within the context of a series of three gatherings (Oct/Nov/Dec), and some activities in-between-times.
Second version: hopefully it makes sense to 
  • edit the original contingency plan for the session so that it more-or-less fits with what happened on the day - link to files used for guidance etc.
  • use this place to share notes about how the voyages are developing - things that should/can be done to assist, etc.
  • store notes about prep for subsequent events (Nov/Dec) - skip to relevant section via headings on right
[a space for considering whatever we may seek to ask people to do before coming along on the day.]
26/10/16 Outline of morning session
Intro: "and now for something a bit more experiential"(!)
Also, the 'U', briefly.
Small groups (triads), talking (and taking care to listen) about our own (families, friends) experiences of receiving health & care (c.50% Scottish adults have one or more LTC) (Guidance available);
segueing in to discussion of what keeps us well (walking with a dog; singing loudly in the car when alone; a good view; a friendly cafe, etc.) - part of the new data landscape (wellness alongside illness). (prompt available)
'Milling' exercise - change the tempo, stand up, mix us up, contact others. (voice-over script available)
Do a dialogue walk with whom you end up with in the milling. (Guidance available).
On return to the meeting place, individual selects an envelope at random - this will contain summary details of your excursion.

Find others with the same destination.
Plan your excursion together: themes to explore (sensible to provide a starter for this); logistics, etc. Commit to the journey together.
Wave off to the travellers!
BYO, or return to the Gyle canteen for food.
[Risk of people not returning for the afternoon?]
26/10/16 Afternoon
A collective planning session, an open conversation, considering things like:
  • what our customers appear to be looking for;
  • what people need (to supply/develop, etc.).