What is Property Based Testing
  • What is Property Based Testing?
  • David R. MacIver
  • Saturday, May 14, 2016

I get asked this a lot, and I write property based testing tools for a living,
so you’d think I have a good answer to this, but historically I haven’t. This is
my attempt to fix that.

Historically the definition of property based testing has been “The thing that
QuickCheck does”. As a working definition this has served pretty well, but the
problem is that it makes us unable to distinguish what the essential features of
property-based testing are and what are just accidental features that appeared
in the implementations that we’re used to.
プロパティベーステストの歴史的な定義は「QuickCheck のやっていること」となっています。

As the author of a property based testing system which diverges quite a lot from
QuickCheck, this troubles me more than it would most people, so I thought I’d
set out some of my thoughts on what property based testing is and isn’t.
QuickCheck とはだいぶ違うプロパティベーステストシステムの作者にとっては結構な問題です。

This isn’t intended to be definitive, and it will evolve over time as my
thoughts do, but it should provide a useful grounding for further discussion.
There are essentially two ways we can draw a boundary for something like this:
We can go narrow or we can go wide. i.e. we can restrict our definitions to
things that look exactly like QuickCheck, or things that are in the same general
family of behaviour. My inclination is always to go wide, but I’m going to try
to rein that in for the purpose of this piece.
何かの境界線を定めるには基本的な方法が2つあります。狭くするか広くするかです。たとえば、定義を QuickCheck 自体そのものとして決めることもできるし、基本的な振る舞いが同じになるものとして決めることもできます。

But I’m still going to start by planting a flag. The following are not essential
features of property based testing:

  1. Referential Transparency 参照透過性
  1. Types 型システム
  1. Randomization ランダム化
  1. The use of any particular tool or library 特定のツールやライブラリを利用する前提

As evidence I present the following: