☑️Weekly checkpoints
Weekly checkpoints are meant to guide you to think through your own solution prototype, stay on track, and ultimately formulate your own White Paper. Each week is designed to address a particular set of questions corresponding to a chunk of the scorecard. You have the option to submit a White Paper at the end to incorporate any new information that you want to be evaluated on. Please be reminded that both the weekly checkpoints and the video demo are mandatory. Please submit weekly checkpoints only via Gitcoin.

It is an ideal scenario that you address all of the questions below. But if you are blocked by one, just move on! Prioritize your tasks and coordinate with your team to complete them. 

Questions? Email, Slack, or comment on this doc to let us know.

Good luck! 

Week 1: Impact Opportunity
Monday, April 9, 2018 - Monday, April 16, 2018 
  • Register on Topcoder.
  • Select your challenge.
  • Why is blockchain needed to solve this problem?
  • What is the size of the market? What demographics will you serve? Which industries will you impact? Any concurrent trends?
  • What are some current solutions to the problem you identified? Do they work effectively?
  • Who are the stakeholders involved? How are they thinking/feeling/acting currently?
  • What are the geopolitical, cultural-social-economic factors that must be taken into consideration? What are some nuances and complexities that must be addressed?

End of Week Deliverable by Monday, April 16, 2018* – Document of your answers to the above questions. (This is a soft deadline. You will not be penalized for missing it.)

Week 2: Business Model Validation
Monday, April 16, 2018 - Monday, April 23, 2018
  • Who are your clients/users? Sketch out the persona of your user.
  • What are their pain points? How does your solution solve them? Indicate your unique value proposition.
  • Does your solution depend on context? Can it be scaled?
  • What is your go-to-market strategy? Who can you partner with?
  • How will your product generate revenue? Will it be financially sustainable in the long-term?
  • What are the implicit and explicit assumptions being made in your business and financial model (user-profiles, partnerships, costs, etc.)? How do you plan on validating them?
  • What is the vision for your product? Can it significantly change the current state?

End of Week Deliverable by Monday, April 23, 2018 – Document of your answers to the above questions.

Week 3: Technical Architecture
Monday, April 23, 2018 - Monday, April 30, 2018
  • Define the technical specifications of your system's architecture. Include a description of system requirements, processes, business logic, technology stack, user flows, attack factors and any other technical specifications. Attach some visuals as bonus.
  • Define your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) testing approach.
  • Marketing Tests: Landing Page, Explainer Video, Ad Campaign, A/B Tests, Crowdfunding
  • Product Tests: Sketches, Wireframes, Mockups, Interactive, Prototype, Wizard of Oz, Concierge, Live Product
  • Outline a development roadmap with a realistic timeline that takes into account your product vision, market readiness, team capabilities, functional upgrades and testing plans. What are your goals for each phase? How will your product evolve? Will you integrate other technologies?

End of Week Deliverable by Monday, April 30, 2018 – Document of your answers to the above questions.