Present your project progress in small groups and collect feedback around your concept. Once you receive notes, summarize them in your own slack channel and continue working on your project.
Questions to lead the discussion
Does the collection feel consistent graphically?
Does the pacing and order of the project feel considered? What is influencing this?
Does the layout of the project highlight the collection meaningfully? What formal design techniques are being utilized to achieve this?
Overall, what kind of impression does the project leave on you? What is informing this feeling? Are there any additions in content that could help enrich the project’s goals?
Continue Working Until 3:30, at which point stop and place your project progress in your Slack Channel with a description of what you’d like to finish for next week. Write feedback to your final partner in their Slack channel.
Final Groups(Provide feedback to them in their slack channel at the end of the day)
Annie, Marta, Jina
Yeowon, Lauren K.
Lauren C., Jon
Esra, Justin
Tiny, Julia
Finish your project and be ready to present your work at 10am next week!
Larger Group Meetings
AngelSmall Group Meetings
Continue Working Until 3:30, at which point stop and place your project progress in your Slack Channel with a description of what you’d like to finish for next week. Write feedback to your final partner in their Slack channel.