Week 8 Remote Class Info & Presenting Interactive Work

1. Until further notice, this class will meet online:

🟢 Bookmark our meeting room: https://newschool.zoom.us/my/nikafisher

A couple guidelines for meeting online:

  • Attendance policy is still the same. If you expect to be late or miss class, make sure to email me in advance and send me your homework.
  • Aim to be in a quiet, well lit room (not walking around central park or in an Uber)
  • Keep your video on unless we’re having a work session, in which case you should stay online but can turn your camera off.
  • Come to class as though you would in person (I.E wear appropriate clothing)
  • Use the “Mute” button when you’re not presenting and remember to unmute yourself when you want to speak.
  • Use “Do Not Disturb” when presenting to avoid sharing your text messages

2. Activity: Zine Project in Review

🟢 Navigate to this mural board

Within the mural board there are 6 questions. Everyone should contribute at least one answer to each category.

🔹 Work on this for 15-20 minutes and we’ll look at it as a class 

3. Presenting Interactive Work

As we move on in your Communication Design Studies, you’ll inevitably run into a moment where you have to document your work. What are some ways you might do this? Let’s explore a few techniques that can help you with your Sophomore Review.

Before You Begin

Consider what the most compelling parts of your project are. Is it the typography? The animations? The layout? Having an idea of what the most memorable aspect about the project is a good way to create a benchmark. Understand that most people only have a couple minutes to look at something. With this in mind, how can you grab their attention, communicate the best parts of something, and hopefully, if they’re still interested, have a way of learning more.

🔹Note: Generally, this means editing down your project to a few key features, rather than showing every last detail. You want to build out a narrative with your work and show the highlights. Sometimes the narrative includes describing the process and evolution and other times it’s about showing the end result in the most enticing way possible.

Combining engaging copywriting, strong visuals, and videos

This one abstracts pieces of the website in addition to showing parts of it in use

Videos In Use

Abstracted Compositions with Links to the Projects