Week 8: Archives & Zine Documentation Presentations

Resources: Collections/Archives

Anything that you have an accumulation of can be a collection. An archive is a collection of historical documents or records. Not all collections are archives, but many become relevant with time. Any time you see a multiplicity of an object, you begin to notice similarities and contexts in a new way. Seeing multiple of an object allows for this kind of in depth research that observing one object does not. The way the object is documented (consider the various image making techniques we’ve explored this semester) and organized helps direct the viewer on how the object is meant to be experienced.

“Duzant called upon twenty creatives to describe the full moon, in anonymity, on the same night from vantage points across the country. That night was October 29, 2012, which brought the unexpected force of Hurricane Sandy, and led to wildly varying accounts of a single sky. I Looked & Looked weaves these narratives together with Duzant’s images in a lyrical reflection on our relationship to the night sky."

From January 4, 1966, Kawara made a long series of "Date paintings" (the Today series), which consist entirely of the date on which the painting was executed in simple white lettering set against a solid background. The date is always documented in the language and grammatical conventions of the country in which the painting is executed (i.e., “26. ÁG. 1995,” from Reykjavik, Iceland, or “13 JUIN 2006,” from Monte Carlo); Esperanto is used when the first language of a given country does not use the Roman alphabet.

Here Lie the Secrets of Green-wood Cemetery – Sophie Calle & Creative Time (2017 – 2042)

Ulises Carrión

a Mexican artist who believed creating an archive of artist’s books is an act of art itself.

  • Considers archiving a form of art. 
  • The act of seeing the archive compliments the physical form.

http://9-eyes.com/ by Jon Rafman (2008 – )

  • An ongoing collection of mysterious and alluring screenshots taken using Google Street View. Nine Eyes of Google Street View is both an archival project and a conceptual meditation on the state of photography in a time of automated image making on a massive scale.

  • During the rise of AirBnB, an international style formed that was ubiquitously accepted. AirBnB was intended to show real people’s homes, but instead ended up creating a generic aesthetic.