For the rest of the semester, our class will meet remotely. We’ll use a combination of video conferences, Slack conversations and independent study to continue reaching our learning goals this semester. Class will continue as scheduled. Each Monday at 10am, we’ll start class with a video check in.
You can find the above link and links to our slack channel on our class site.
A couple guidelines for meeting online:
Attendance policy is still the same. If you expect to be late or miss class, make sure to email me in advance and send me your homework.
Aim to be in a quiet, well lit room(not walking around the park or in an Uber)
Keep your video on unless we’re having a work session, in which case you should stay on slack but leave the WebEx room.
Come to class as though you would in person(I.E wear appropriate clothing)
Use the“Mute” button when you’re not presenting and remember to unmute yourself when you want to speak.
Use“Do Not Disturb” when presenting to avoid sharing your text messages
Be available on Slack for the whole 6 hours of class.
2. Tool Check In
I received everyone’s emails, it sounds like most of us have internet and we can download the Adobe suite for free. Please let me know how this went. If you need to update your computer/free up space, you can use today to do that. Let’s make sure that all of our tools are working today.
🟢 Let’s also take a moment to practice sharing our screens and make sure that that works. Please go in the 1:1 meeting order below and try sharing your screen.
3. Check In About Designer Presentations
Please check to see if you have access to your designer presentations from last class. If you don’t, let me know.
Nika to create poll on slack to get feedback on this.
1. COVID-19 Updates
A couple guidelines for meeting online:
2. Tool Check In
3. Check In About Designer Presentations
4. Review Project Options On Website
5. 1:1 Meeting Order