Week 3, Class 2: Interview & Typography

Activity 1

Present your interview activity in small groups (make sure it’s saved in the google drive, as well). As a group, go through these questions and jot down a few bullet points:

  1. What are some similarities between the content in your interviews? Do any types of questions work better than others?
  1. What are some similarities between the design of the interviews? Why do you think they were designed in this way?
  1. Were there differences between types of interviews? For example: how did the audio interviews compare to written ones?
  1. Are there any themes that were discussed that were similar in your interviews? If so, please describe.

Once you’re finished, pick one person’s interview presentation that highlights the most successful aspects of an interview and be prepared to present to the class, summarizing some of the additional details from your group members.

Nicole, Sarah, Malini
Daniela, Sophie S., Ani
Emily, Vee, Hunter
Germaine, Carly, Sophia B.
Ethan, Ivy, Allison

Notes on Project

While this project is open ended, consider how you can find a subsection within a greater topic. For example, maybe you want to explore how communication is increasingly becoming more animated/moving so maybe you could reach out to someone who is active on TikTok to answer some questions about this. Consider the relationship between a topic within popular culture that interests you and brainstorm an audience that is likely to respond to you. For example, reaching out to Taylor Swift is probably not possible, but you could try reaching out to a Taylor Swift superfan on instagram. Be open minded about where you can reach out to people – consider emails, instagram, twitter, youtube, other social media, at the school etc.

Activity 2 – Web Typography

Download this reference file and open the index in chrome, as well as the index and CSS in your text editor. Let’s go through different options for loading typefaces

Exercise: Survey & Student Portfolio

  1. Go in and adjust your survey and student portfolio, spend some time refining the typography on each one.