Week 13 – Fyre Island Reading

Write a discussion question about the above reading

Are we loosing the true meaning and norms of design when facing the luxury fashion? And would the public lose its interest in the luxury industry sometime in the future?

How can consumers learn to trust good design, if it doesn’t always carry the same integrity as the product itself? How can designers trust that their values align with their clients?

How much culpability can designers have with things like this? How does good design play a part in scamming people (for instance, would Fyre have been as successful with a poorly designed campaign)?

Should we as designers remain steadfast in our beliefs and design sensibilities so much so that we turn down jobs that seem too targeted and cookie-cutter, like Fyre?

If there wasn't the documentaries, it would be hard for the public to know who is responsible for the failure and who is not. Should there be/is there a better way to bring back the reputation of those who shouldn’t be blamed for failures like Fyre?

Could projects like Fyre be more successful in the future due to social media?
Is there a way for designers to rectify the detachment (toward reality) caused by social media?

Should the designer have chosen to step away from the project once he realized its intention? In general, do you think there is enough emphasis on asking designers to consider the social implications of their work?

If design is meant to alter perceptions/ influence people then should designers be responsible for the fallout? Or should the design be viewed for its formal components or for its impact/content. 

“The Fyre logo is the worst. If you overlay it on the Tinder logo it’s the same flame, or some iteration of the same shape. I hated it.” What should designers do when they hear negative comments about their work?

How do designers go about with working for places/people that may not align with their own design values? How do they produce “successful” work that meets the users needs?

This Fyre incident speaks a lot about not only the role and deeds done against the designer, but also the position of a designer. Are we pawns of a chessboard or can we become Queens too? In what cases does our loyalty to a project prove the project’s skill of disguise and in what cases does it prove our ignorance? 

How does the capitalism change the way designers perceive design and art?